by goldendryad » Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:33 am
Well, I own a Sheltie. I have to admit she doesn't lend herself well to
being a total farm dog. Her coat gets all sorts of things caught in it,
she hates getting too dirty (she licks herself clean like a cat). Plus
she had an unfortunate encounter with an electric fence and yelped all
the way to the house.#ed_op#br#ed_cl#
BUT she is good with any animal, always friendly but careful. She does
have herding instinct, and has tried to round up cows. She's much
better at rounding up cats though, LOL. Out at the horse barn she's
pretty good because I've taught her commands to stay out of
stalls/pens/arenas unless asked.#ed_op#br#ed_cl#
My old barn had a border collie and a doberman. The doberman was for scaring people but she was a big sweetie.#ed_op#br#ed_cl#
My current barn has two lab/rotties. Can't say I'm crazy about
them...every now and then they try and chase the horses at dumb
moments. The youngest one is a pup who will chew anything...she's
chewed brushes, polo's and so on. Not cool. You have to be really
careful about your stuff. The older one is ball obsessive compulsive
and is always begging to have the ball thrown, but she never stops
retrieving it and asking again, and again.#ed_op#br#ed_cl#
They also have a poodle/shih tzu with one eye. He runs around, chases
the horses, again, and stands there barking his fool head off at them.#ed_op#br#ed_cl#
I personally like my aunt and uncle's farm dogs. A border collie and
her son, a border collie/Australian shepherd. Good looking, smart,
great at rounding up cattle and super around the horses. They bark at
strangers, but are very friendly.#ed_op#br#ed_cl#