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Postby LucasL » Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:43 pm

chenders - robynm on this board rides a Fjord - maybe you can ask her for more info.
And I agree with everyone on this board who is telling you not to sell yourself short. I have had confidence issues for almost my entire riding is only in the last couple of months that I have become quite confident in my abilities, and honestly believe that I can get to a higher level.
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Postby robynm » Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:59 pm

Hey guys! Obviously&nbsp; I totally disagree on the fjord issue regarding dressage. Look as this site. <A href="" target="_blank"></A>&nbsp;this is the home of the fjords that show around here. Prisco, their star, has been in dressage today and is doing well training upper levels! I agree with Dee, they can be stubborn but in a not so dangerous way!
LOL, anyway, Chenders Im not saying fjords are the horse for you but I did want to clarify that they are not completely usless at dressage, I mean thats all I do with Charlie and Im having a blast!
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Postby Ruth » Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:11 pm

I'm not saying that they're useless at dressage, but a thick throatlatch and a short neck do make it harder for them. If someone loves a breed and wants to work with that breed and it turns out to be competitive at a certain sport then great. I showed a STB up to Medium 1 so please don't think I'm breedist. But my WB learns movements 100x faster than the STB did because he is built for dressage. So when someone says they are looking for something to do a little dressage with a Fjord wouldn't be the first breed that leaps to my mind. Different conformation lends them to different natural abilities, and I don't want to make it harder on myself by choosing a horse that isn't built for the sport I'm aiming at. Even when we were looking for a horse there were a few WB's we eliminated because their conformation didn't lend itself 100% to dressage. Not that I think Chenders has Grand Prix as a goal, but why make it hard on yourself. <br />
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Postby robynm » Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:14 pm

lol, I can understand where your comming from! No hard feelings!
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Postby Elizabeth » Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:30 pm

Chenders, I hope that this all works out for you. I know how hard it is when a horse just isn't right for you. I've been through it and it is so difficult. <br /> <br />When I am in a position to buy a horse to replace my retired guy I will look seriously at a Canadien. To me, temperament is the most important thing by a huge margin. Three good gaits is also important but I want a horse I can just get on and go and have fun. I am getting too old to fall off any more.
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Postby LucasL » Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:53 pm

Go Canadiens!!!!
Chenders - let me know if you want to go Canadien shopping!!!
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Postby *Giddy Up* » Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:50 pm

Good luck to you with your decision...sounds like you're making it. But I agree, get back on him and just walk, even if you have someone leading you around.
A 3yo to me doesn't sound like such a good investment at this point. A horse that young will need to be trained and learn things that an older school master already knows 10x over. Just becareful with your decision there. A leasing agreement would probably be ideal, because you could look for a lease to own option if it works out, or if it doesn't you stop the lease and keep on looking.
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Postby chenders01 » Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:28 am

Yup, GU, that would be ideal...and I think that the BO would be up for something like this.&nbsp; I remember that when I talked to him about my plans to sell Dali, and that I'd probably not buy anything right away, but just part-board, he recommended the Paint filly, and said that I could just ride her for 6 months, to really get to know her, and then decide what I want to do from there.&nbsp; I believe that he, too, is concerned with finding the best match for rider AND horse.&nbsp;
I was talking to one of the other boarders at the barn, who bought one of his horses, and she told me that he didn't even take payment from her for a month because he wanted her to be SURE that his horse was what she wanted.&nbsp; He wanted her to take the month to really decide, before she handed him the money.&nbsp; So, that says a lot about him, I think.&nbsp; Most sellers would take your money, and if it doesn't work out, it's YOUR problem to deal with, not their's.&nbsp;
So, there definitely is the possibility of just part-boarding this Paint without making any commitments to buy her...and I think that's about the most ideal situation I could find!&nbsp; I'm not one who can just hop on any old horse and immediately feel comfortable on it.&nbsp; It takes me a few rides to really learn about the horse.
Anyway, I'm going out today for another ride on the Paint, so we'll see how that goes.
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Postby babytigger » Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:58 pm

well chenders, after reading all 3 pages, it sure sounds like you've made your decision! wish i could make it easy for you to sell him (LOL - i'd still have to try him out first though!!), but i gots no $$!! <br /> <br />hey, anyone near me want to buy dali & i'll ride him for ya???LOL!! <br /> <br />at least you're not "in limbo" about what you're going to do. <br /> <br />i hope you're able to find a great place for dali & a great horse for yourself. <br /> <br />
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Postby chenders01 » Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:35 am

Thanks, BT.&nbsp; It's too bad you have no moola because I think that Dali would be perfect for you.&nbsp; If anything, he might be a little boring...he's nowhere near as "hot" as Patty is <IMG src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0">&nbsp; If he were in regular work (ie. 5 days a week), he'd be great.
PC rode him yesterday and his canter is really coming along!&nbsp; He no longer tries to race away with her...his rhythm is getting steadier although he still tosses his head.&nbsp;
Although he had&nbsp;a BIG breakthrough yesterday...he cantered a *whole* circle (in his good direction) round and in a frame (ie. balanced).&nbsp; So, he is really coming along.&nbsp; I know that if PC could ride him more often, he'd improve much quicker but I gotta take her when she's available <IMG src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0">
The funny thing is though...that although he is improving, I still have no desire to get back up on him.&nbsp; I've made up my mind that he's going.&nbsp; As much as I love him, we are just not good together, so it's time to move him onto someone who will get much more enjoyment out of him than I ever have.&nbsp;
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Postby goldendryad » Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:22 am

<font color="magenta">Good for you, coming to a decision, albeit a tough one! If you love him enough to find a home that's right, that means a lot.<img border="0" src="smileys/smiley27.gif" border="0"> <br /> <br /> <br /><img border="0" src="smileys/smiley31.gif" border="0"> I sincerely hope you find a very good horse that fits you to a tee. This has been a good process in a way, now you know what you want and need. Just be picky next time, and good luck finding a home for him, wish I could help you out there, but I'm in Saskatchewan. <br /> <br />So put a really good add up on as many sites as possible. <br /> <br />Make sure you get on him one last time to make sure this is what you want,and to leave it on a good note. Even though I had a really bad accident with my old mare and it took years to trust her again...I got back on and rode before she left, so she knew I still loved her, but wanted to find the right person. And for myself, for my ability to trust a horse and move on as a rider.
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Postby Elizabeth » Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:25 pm

That's great that you have come to a decision. It sounds as if he will make a wonderful partner for the right person and I am sure they will turn up. <br /> <br />The paint sounds like a sweetie. How great that you can ride and find out how you feel. Everything will fall into place for you now. Making the decision is the hardest part of all for me.
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Postby Abbey » Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:45 pm

Now that I'm all caught up... <br /> <br />Good for you Chenders. It's a really tough decision to take (only took me 3 years...). Especially when the horse you own is a beautiful, talented and kind animal. <br /> <br />But I really feel that all good horses are not good for everyone. If you and Dali aren't a good match, and you've given both of you a fair chance at it and it's still not working, then both of you will be happier if you move on. <br /> <br />It's tough but it's right. <br /> <br />You definitely don't need oodles of money to find yourself something that fits your needs. I found my fabulous Abbey for much less than 5000$. She was a bombproof heatly 5yo draft cross. It did take some training but within a few years, we were placing at First Level dressage in national shows. <br /> <br />It might take some looking around but you will find your match. And trust me, the feeling you'll get when you start developping that precious bond with a horse you trust... <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0"> <br /> <br />Good luck, we're all here for you!
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Postby *Giddy Up* » Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:03 pm

That's great to hear PC is doing good work with him.&nbsp; I hope you find the horse you're looking for. That is a good thing to see if you can have a trial period with a horse when you first buy it, if you can get that, then great.
I agree, get back on him, even just once as you're goodbye.
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Postby *PrinceCharming » Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:21 pm

wow did i ever miss this thread!
anyways, like chenders said, dali did really really well on saturday, and every ride he's getting better. Its too bad that you have decided to sell him because he is getting so much better, but i guess if you dotn feel comfortable on him, then it's probably for the better. Just sucks that all the hard work will be gone&nbsp; <IMG src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0">
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Postby chenders01 » Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:21 pm

PC, I don't think that all your hard work will be gone.&nbsp; The work you're putting into him now will hopefully help me to find him a new owner.&nbsp; Training is never pointless <IMG src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0">
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Postby Sodapoppers » Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:34 am

so have you actually decided you're selling him chenders? I didn't see you come right out and say so just wondering. <br />How much are you looking to get for him?
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Postby chenders01 » Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:29 pm

Yes, I've decided.&nbsp; I'm selling him.&nbsp; It's not like I've been holding out on telling you guys or anything...up until last weekend, I was still thinking that I might give him another go...but then, I started riding "Tequila" the Paint filly I spoke about earlier in this thread...and I am in looovve!!&nbsp;
Young and green though she is, she is sooo much closer to what I'm looking for in a horse than Dali is.&nbsp; She's only about 14.3hh right now (we guesstimate), and right there, I already feel more comfortable, being closer to the ground.&nbsp; She's coming 3 so will maybe reach 15hh and will fill out a lot more.&nbsp; Once she's finished growing, I think she'll be the perfect size for me.&nbsp;
And her trot is to DIE for!!&nbsp; It is soooo smooth, I don't even have to post if I don't want to (but I do, because she's so young).&nbsp; I can't WAIT to try out her canter, as I'm sure it'll be smooth too.&nbsp; And, she is such a total sweetheart!&nbsp; She has nice "english" movement too.&nbsp; She's not really the bulldog type of Paint...she's more refined.&nbsp;
I have a good friend helping me with her.&nbsp; She has raised her own horse so has lots of experience with babies.&nbsp; She's teaching me how to behave around Tequila and the things to do to give her reassurance.&nbsp; Honestly though, this is the quietest, most sensible&nbsp;baby I've ever seen!&nbsp; Basically non-spooky, and when she does spook, she takes a step sideways or scoots forward a bit, then stops.&nbsp; She still requires sacking out, but I think she's gonna be pretty bombproof someday.&nbsp;
She pulled the "I'm done and I'm not gonna go forward anymore" trick with me on the weekend, but we worked through it and I had her trotting off of leg cues only (ie. no crop)&nbsp;by the end of our session.&nbsp; I don't know what to say...I just love her!&nbsp; The BO is being very generous in letting me ride her&nbsp;while Dali is up for sale.
Oh, and re. Dali, he isn't "officially" for sale yet.&nbsp; I'm giving PC till the end of this month to get his canter more established.&nbsp; I will start advertising him at the beginning of March.&nbsp; I think I've settled on an asking price of $3,500OBO.&nbsp; Do you know of someone who is interested, Soda??
I just love him to death but riding Tequila has sort of confirmed for me that he is not the right horse for me and it's time for us to part ways.&nbsp; He will make an awesome horse for the right person...and he's really not difficult to ride, but he's a TB and too forward and sensitive for me.&nbsp; I'm much happier on little 14.3hh Tequila <IMG src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0">&nbsp;
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Postby Lix » Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:40 pm

<img border="0" src="smileys/smiley31.gif" border="0"> I know it's hard chenders but good for you for reaching a decision. It's not easy, but in time, it will feel "right". <br /> <br />I think the price you are asking for him is more than reasonable. I had my guy, basically the twin of your guy in terms of look and size and sold for about that price (I actually can't remember the exact price <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0">). He was also registered TB. Only difference is that he was young and green. Pretty green at that. <br /> <br />Anywho, in the meantime, since you really like this little paint lady, you can consider leasing her. So then, we she goes through her "terrible fours or fives" you can give her back. LOL <br /> <br />Hang in there and you know we are always here to chat throughout the rough times when selling. <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0"> <br /> <br />

Postby chenders01 » Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:52 pm

Lix, I've had a&nbsp;difficult time deciding what to price Dali at because I don't want to price him so high that people aren't interested; neither do I want to price him so LOW that people wonder what's wrong with him.&nbsp; I didn't pay much for him so even if I get back what I paid, I'll be happy.&nbsp; My biggest concern is finding an excellent home for him.&nbsp; He really is such a special boy and it's gonna break my heart to see him go, but I really feel that it's for the best <IMG src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0">&nbsp;
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