feel so helpless advice please....

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feel so helpless advice please....

Postby BBelleTB » Sat May 14, 2005 11:11 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Hey guys... #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I dont know if this is a good idea or if it will just create "it could be this" discussions that will make me worry more.  but i feel like my head is going to explode so i need some help.  If any of you are doctors or nurses, please give me some insight.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#before i start-WE HAVE ALREADY BOOKED A DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT EARLIEST WE COULD GET WAS THIS COMING TUESDAY.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Ok, so heres the story.  about a year ago, my boyfriend got incredibly sick very quickly.  we were at home ate dinner, and about an hour later he was violently vomiting, sweating litres of fluid all over his body, shaking uncontrollably, and in incredible pain.  At first we thought it was food poisoning and he was in so much pain that he wouldn even get in the car to go to the hospital.  It passed within 24 hours.  However, in the last year the exact same thing has happened 5 seperate ocassions and with varying seriousness.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#symptoms include vomiting, dry heaving, hot and cold sweats so bad that i change his clothes, and sheets ever 35 minutes, nausea, trembling and incredible stomach pain.  It came on again on thursday evening, and he was so violently ill that i was tempted to call an ambulance.  It was the scariest thing, and i feel so helpless.  He vomits for hours, and in between being sick he lies in bed and groans and sweats and shivers... I dont know what to do.  I finally conviced him to go see his doctor, that it wasnt flukey stomach bugs... but the appointment is not until tuesday and his symptoms are now passing    They will be doing blood work and obviously tests, but what else should i ask the doctor to look for? Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?  The other night he was so bad he was in tears, and begging me to make it go away... i started crying because its so hard to be there and not be able to do anything. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I have looked into the following- and will be asking Doc about them, any advice or accounts would be great. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Chrone's#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Menieres disease#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#cancer(god forbid)#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#immune deficiencies#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#allergies#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#any other ideas??#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#sorry for the novel im just so worried.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Elizabeth » Sat May 14, 2005 11:36 am

I am not a doctor or a nurse but my husband has Crohn's Disease. I remember an occasion about 20 years ago when he was really ill. He wouldn't get out of bed, wouldn't talk to me, was in terrible pain and it terrified me. Eventually I threatened him with calling an ambulance and/or the police if he wouldn't let me take him to the hospital. We lived miles out of Toronto at that time and my son was about 2 years old. Thank goodness he allowed me to get him into the car and to Women's College Hospital. Turned out that his bowel was so badly obstructed that if I hadn't got him there when I did it would have ruptured which is life threatening. They rushed him into emergency surgery. Ever since then he has been a lot less stubborn about listening to common sense when he feels that ill.
Please, please make sure that if your boyfriend gets this bad again that you get him to emergency as soon as possible. I don't know if he has Crohn's Disease, hopefully the doctor will be able to order tests to help determine what is going on. But this is potentially life threatening. He MUST get medical help while it is being determined what is going on. Talk to the doctor about the best way to handle it when he has an attack. His system needs medical support afterwards as he would have lost a lot of fluids and may need to be treated for dehydration.
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Postby BBelleTB » Sat May 14, 2005 11:48 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Thank you very much, that is helpful and good to know.  He started to feel normal last night about 7pm when he woke up from the first good sleep he had in 24 hours.  I made him drink about a litre of luke warm water (so as not to upset his tummy by making it work to heat water to body temperature) and also made him eat frozen juice (sort of contradicts the luke warm water)with a spoon when he refused anything solid.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I don;t *think* it would be an obstruction (colic ha ha) because it has happened so many times, and always works itself out within a day or two, but you could be right and maybe next time it wont work itself out. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Im sorry to hear about your husband, how long has he been living with that? Can you tell me more about the symptoms of Chrone's? Do you think that could be it?#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Eileen » Sat May 14, 2005 12:03 pm

#ed_op#TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"#ed_cl##ed_op#TBODY#ed_cl##ed_op#TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"#ed_cl##ed_op#TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off"#ed_cl##ed_op#P#ed_cl#no doctor or nurse training here either but I have a couple of things to add to your list to ask the Dr.  Although this "thing" seems to be spreading on to you, I would have the Dr. check B/F  for Malaria, has the BF been down in equator area? or even Limes disease which is spread from the bite of a tick.  Limes is apparently very hard to dectect...it is usually the process of ruling out everything else.  #ed_op#/P#ed_cl##ed_op#P#ed_cl#Since the problem seems to be effecting your system now...it sounds like it could be an infection, bacteria, virus or that sort of thing....I wish you both all the best in finding out the cause of these maladies.  we will be waiting to hear from you..#ed_op#/P#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/TD#ed_cl##ed_op#/TR#ed_cl##ed_op#TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"#ed_cl##ed_op#TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV id=hotbar_promo#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/TD#ed_cl##ed_op#/TR#ed_cl##ed_op#/TBODY#ed_cl##ed_op#/TABLE#ed_cl#

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Postby BBelleTB » Sat May 14, 2005 12:15 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#eileen-thank you very much, i will look into lime disease.  I dont think it could be malaria as we have not been out of ontario even in two years.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I am totally fine, it has not spread to me, nor have i ever had the symptoms, its just him.  I just feel so worried my head could explode!#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I have also heard iron deficiency's cause these symptoms, do any of you know more about that?#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby AQHAgirl » Sat May 14, 2005 12:55 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Sounds like possible gaulbladder (sp?) attacks to me.  My friend would have similar episodes and it was just that.  her Dr had already done 2 Ultra sound for gaul stones but the results were not back and she took a super duper bad attack and finally went to the hospital during the attack!  I immediatley admitted her and started testing.  She had her gaulbladder out like 2 days later.  Same symptoms as your boyfriend, brought on by greasy food, stress, ......She orginally got the stone because she had been on a diet and lost a significant amount of weight which for some reason can cause Gaulbladder problems.....her bile duct was partially blocked and lots of other nasty stuff.    #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby chenders01 » Sat May 14, 2005 1:01 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#If it was as bad as you say, I would've been phoning 911.  I would think that it would be much easier to diagnose what it is while your BF is going through it rather than after the fact, when he's not having any symptoms anymore. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Is the pain localized?  In what area?  If it's the right side of his abdomen, it could be his gallbladder.  I had a couple attacks a few years ago and I had incredible pain in that area but I never threw up, so I would hesitate to say that it's his gallbladder.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I hope that you get to the bottom of it on Tuesday.  I'm surprised, actually, that it's taken him a year to decide to go to the doctor about it.  Pain and symptoms *that* serious should not be messed around with.  Good luck and let us know how it goes!#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby BBelleTB » Sat May 14, 2005 1:50 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#thanks everybody, I dont think its gallbladder, as generally there is no vomiting, but that was a good suggestion and i also wrote it on my list... As for taking a year to go to the doctor, when its happening he is in too much pain to even talk never mind sit around the emergency room, and by the time he is comfortable enough to be somewhat mobile, he feels like its pointless to go.  Plus, his sister has similar symptoms and for the last five years, has been through test after test and never found a single thing so i think he is hesitant because he feels they wont find anything in him either and he will get poked and prodded for no reason.  Of course i dont agree with him... #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#do any of you know much about green tea?  I have heard it can be drank regularly as an anti oxidant, which would also help keep him on track tummy wise, but my concern is can you drink too much of it, and wouldn't the caffeine affect his stomach if it is still sensitive??#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Eileen » Sat May 14, 2005 2:03 pm

#ed_op#TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"#ed_cl##ed_op#TBODY#ed_cl##ed_op#TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"#ed_cl##ed_op#TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off"#ed_cl#Green tea is supposed to be a good anti toxin drink for sure...but don't buy the super market stuff, that is said to be a "poor excuse" go to the healthfood store or if you have a Chinese store close by I would go there first.  I can't see how you would drink too much of it.  I don't know whether green tea even has caffine in it....guess you better check that out...#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/TD#ed_cl##ed_op#/TR#ed_cl##ed_op#TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"#ed_cl##ed_op#TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV id=hotbar_promo#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/TD#ed_cl##ed_op#/TR#ed_cl##ed_op#/TBODY#ed_cl##ed_op#/TABLE#ed_cl#

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Postby BBelleTB » Sat May 14, 2005 2:18 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#it does have caffeine because i went to williams to try it, and it was not on the "decaf" menu it was on the herbal tea menu... and see if i thought he would even like it... i thought it was quite good... I have had three large ones today and aside from having to pee every 10 minutes i actually feel better than i did earlier today (im exhausted from two long nights with the sicky) so maybe it's good for me to be drinking it as well.... #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#im sure its just the caffeine giving me a pick me up but i am ordering it with no milk and sugar so as not to defeat the purpose.... #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Any suggestions on light meals i could cook for him for the nest couple days?  i think pastas and even meats would be too heavy...what about like a tuna salad or something?  Soup is out because he needs to start getting some realy food in his system tonight... #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#i thought maybe plain or lightly seasoned chicken breasts, and a garden salad with a non oily dressing and maybe some corn (although you dont want corn coming back up...)#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#thanks for all your help guys, its makes me feel better just being able to talk about it!#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Elizabeth » Sat May 14, 2005 5:45 pm

Green tea does contain caffeine but it is different from caffeine in tea or coffee according to my naturopath. You can drink it in the evenings without it affecting your sleep. Not everyone can handle green tea though. There is a theory that what is good for us is ruled to a degree by our blood type. I find that the blood type diet provides good guidelines but that there are variations for each person.
As for Crohn's Disease, the symptoms vary. Your best bet is to research it online. The blockages in the intestine can come and go and it is when it is blocked that causes the pain. It is like a stomach cramp but far more intense to the point of being unable to move. If they are blocked then they quite often throw up. Best let the doctor figure out exactly what is going on but it is still good to research and question and get second opinions.
For food I'd suggest dry toast, chicken breast is good as well, not sure about salad as lettuce can be hard to digest. How about a baked potato? Can he manage bananas? I wouldn't go with anything too acidic like citrus fruit. For vegetables I would think that carrots might be easier to digest. Try to stay away from sugar, dairy and possibly wheat.
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Postby ~BreezieStorm~ » Sat May 14, 2005 10:19 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#My guess would be an allergic reaction to something hes eatting#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I can tell you first hand its not Crohn's or Colitis, he it was this the systems would be on going,  The first sign of either one is blood in the stools and vomiting is usually only when the pain is so bad or an ulcer has cause a blockage but this is not something that comes and go it would be constant and getting worse everyday.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#BBelleTB Crohns and Colitis are uclers lining the colon Crohns being the smaller and Colitis being the larger, the uclers block the lining of the colons from absoring the things the body needs and if not treat the ulcers start to bleed causing internal bleeding, hense why the first sign of it is blood in the stools.  You also get sevre cramps after eatting (when the uclers are being irrated), rushing to the bathroom sometimes not being able to hold it till you get to the bathroom, diarreha, nutrients such as iron and B12 are often very low because they arent being absored, key first sign though is rushing to the bathroom and blood in the stools, and it is an on going thing it doesnt go away without meds#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#so if his symptoms are coming and going this aint it.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I've had Colitis for the last 17 years of my life, I know it well.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby ~BreezieStorm~ » Sat May 14, 2005 10:26 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#As for foods stay away from anything cream based like mayo dressing all that stuff, stay away from greens (lettuce, broccili)  Go with pasta minus sauce, rice is great aand can be made so many ways (rice a roni is bad though too much butter (oil) )  Go with soup, get the campell chunky, and look at getting him to eat every 2 hours, my doctor because of my condition recommends that I eat 5 small meals a day over 3 big ones.  Think things like apple sauce, fruit smoothies tons of liquid, stew would be good#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby *Giddy Up* » Sat May 14, 2005 10:42 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I don't know what it could be, but I would say if it happens again, call the ambulance! If he is in too much pain to tell you to take him (or to be stubborn and say no) then I think that should be your indication that he needs to go to the hospital.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I hope you figure out what's wrong!#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby chenders01 » Mon May 16, 2005 8:00 am

BBelleTB wrote:#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#As for taking a year to go to the doctor, when its happening he is in too much pain to even talk never mind sit around the emergency room
#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#If you phone 911, an ambulance will come and he won't be made to sit in the emergency room.  They would take him right away.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#As far as what to cook for him, it could be a food allergy, so you don't want to be feeding him something that could be setting the whole thing in motion.  When does he normally get these attacks??  Before or after he has eaten?  If after, do you remember what it was that he ate?  Your doctor will probably ask these questions on Tuesday, so it would be good for you/him to try to remember some of these details.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Your best bet would be to keep his diet very bland for the next few days.  Eggs, plain yogurt, chicken breasts, maybe white fish, broth-type soups.  Don't use a lot of spices or sauces and no greasy/fatty foods.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I really hope that you get to the bottom of it.  I remember how painful my gallbladder attacks were.  For those, I went to Emergency but when they saw how much pain I was in, they took me right away.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Dee22 » Mon May 16, 2005 8:31 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#What about Irritable Bowel Syndrome? My good friends, sisters ex-boyfriend had irritable bowel syndrome. When he ate certain foods they made him very, very ill... I don't know too much about the condition but it's something you could put on your list to ask your doctor about?#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Good luck, I hope you and your boyfriend can figure out what is going on!#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Foxie » Mon May 16, 2005 10:00 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I don't know what it could be but I would go straight to Emerg next time. When someone is VERY sick..they don't let them sit around for very long. I used to volunteer at the hospital. All heart attacks have priority and then it goes from there. They usually won't let a patient leave until they find out what is wrong.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#It sounds very serious. If you call the doctor and let them its an emergency, then they will most likely see your boyfriend that day, if not then find yourself a new doctor. Go to the walk in clinic if you have too. Also try keeping a food journal...and then see what he eats when he gets the attacks and see if something pops out. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I really hope that everything turns out to be ok with him.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby 2dapoint » Mon May 16, 2005 10:25 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#SPAN class=postbody#ed_cl##ed_op#FONT size=2#ed_cl# #ed_op#/FONT#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Alright, you're worried.  He's scared. So, parrotting what others have said - why are you waiting?#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#WHY do you/he not get help WHEN ITS HAPPENING?  It's a little tough to diagnose anything when that "thing" has settled down and is not doing much that is abnormal.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Ask yourself this: if he was having a heart attack and told you not to call an ambulance (guys can be so dumb), would you listen?  Is his good opinion of you more important than his life?#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#AND ... how would you know if it's important or not?  I just can't understand.  I really can't.  If you can help me to, I'd love to - if for no other reason than it furthers my own education of the human race.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Tell ya something else - IF it was one of the conditions you've listed above, time isn't helping either.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#let's say it was something you haven't listed... like intermittent appendicitis (yes, there is such a thing).  So, because it's gone away once, it's okay to wait?  right.  Until the ONE time that it decides to really get nasty and explodes on him.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Not trying to scare you, but a dose of reality here - who's going to be looking in the mirror mumbling "if only" for a very long time?#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#If you're really that worried (and I'm sure you are, just not self confident enough to go against the flow and do the tough thing), call an ambulance anyways.  What's he going to do?  Stop speaking to you?, get off the couch/toilet/whatever and hang the phone up on you?  Send the ambulance away once they get there? (do you think that after getting a look at him, they'd listen?)#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I know you care deeply about him, part of that includes doing what is needed even when under pressure not to.  Men are just big boys.  They don't like anyone to see them as unable to take care of themselves - not you (he's still making the decisions right?), not the docs/ambulance guys.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I just don't get it.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#but then, I've seen people have heart attacks and tell their 'other' not to call an ambulance.  I've seen the 'other' waste time trying to convince them, then clean them up before the ambulance people got there - and regret it when minutes/seconds counted.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I've seen people who just "knew" that the time for listening to the loved one was not "now" and would rather apologize to a live person in the hospital for the whole situation than chance never being able to right a wrong decision.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#What immediately came to mind for me, not being a doctor of course(but having had relatives who've had it), was gall bladder.  After he ate... (what did he have to eat btw on those occassions?), severe pain, rolling around with cold sweats etc. etc. but.  I am not a doctor.  Nor do I have access to *diagnostic equipment in the throes of an attack*!  Part of loving is doing the tough stuff - whether we like it or not.  He was begging you to do something?  Pick up the phone.  You don't have the education or experience to know if you're creating a problem - so pass it off to someone who does!#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#JMHO.  Sorry for being so harsh.  But the results (one of these times) could be a lot more harsh!  Yes, this is coming from someone who spent a very long period of time denying the harshest of reality - believing that I could manage/overcome what I didn't want to believe.  Sometimes, being tough requires accepting help.  Don't let him wait until that help can't.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/SPAN#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Arcadia » Mon May 16, 2005 11:45 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I have suffered those symptoms and without going into more gruesome details about "other" symptoms I was diagnosed with diverticulitis which is very similar to Irritable Bowel Syndrome.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Certain foods will trigger an attack, alcohol/smoking are a no-no #ed_op#IMG src="http://forums.equestrianconnection.com/richedit/smileys/Sad/3.gif"#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby ~BreezieStorm~ » Mon May 16, 2005 12:25 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Arcadia - I have colitis which is a form of IBD and they tell me that alochol is a big no no but i've found if i keep it in moderation its fine, i'm talking a few drinks in a month.  And I have a very bad cause of colitis the doctors always tell me no liquor no advil, you just have to figure out your limit.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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