soft swelling on colts hock joint

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soft swelling on colts hock joint

Postby shady222 » Sat Jul 09, 2005 1:25 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#the swelling is right on the joint, i have been recommended to cold hose it and have done what i could for cold hosing. What do you think it could be? i know he got it from jumping or crashing through the barbwire fence, im just wondering what you guys think it is Hematoma? bursal enlargement or just swelling?#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Eileen » Sat Jul 09, 2005 7:57 am

#ed_op#TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"#ed_cl##ed_op#TBODY#ed_cl##ed_op#TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"#ed_cl##ed_op#TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off"#ed_cl#Is it hard, soft, hot, cold...cut, probably is from an injury.  I had a youngster that I bought with a lump on his hock, it never bothered him all the 7 years or so that I rode him.  His particular injury was from funning into something as a baby.  Hope that helps#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/TD#ed_cl##ed_op#/TR#ed_cl##ed_op#TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"#ed_cl##ed_op#TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV id=hotbar_promo#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/TD#ed_cl##ed_op#/TR#ed_cl##ed_op#/TBODY#ed_cl##ed_op#/TABLE#ed_cl#

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Postby shady222 » Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:31 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#so he had the injury for life? i am told this swelling should heel...with time and cold hosing. Its warm and squishy. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby 2dapoint » Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:37 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Shady, usually if the swelling is hard, it won't go anywhere (up or down) - I think that is what eileen was trying to tell you.  Her horse had one, didn't move and didn't bother him.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Yours is different.  Rather than asking on a bb, you should be getting a vet out.  We can reassure you all you want, but his options for treatment could be narrowing by the day.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#There are several areas of the body you just don't mess with (you call vets in IMMEDIATELY) - eyes, joints and intestines.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby shady222 » Sat Jul 09, 2005 8:29 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#i guess so, but no one has said it was serious and hes not lame, so we are attempting to cold hose it and keeping an eye on it. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby 2dapoint » Sat Jul 09, 2005 8:55 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Depending on what it may or may not be, there are a whole host of very nasty things that *can* (not absolutely everytime will) happen if the joint capsule has been compromised.  Some of those include stiffening (until an inablitity to ever bend again), infection (which easily becomes systemic and can result in death) among others.  Really, it's not worth taking a chance on.  I could, indeed, be panicking for you AND me, but one vet call is so much better than many later on.  As I mentioned, there are certain things I just won't wait on (to call the vet) because the risks of problems are just too great.  When something starts going wrong with those particular things, they go VERY wrong, very very fast.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Is it really worth it to take a chance? #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby shady222 » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:30 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#i guess not, but i really don't think its that serious, he let me touch it today and the growth has definatly gone down in size and he has never been lame from it recently. The vet that gelded him also treated him for his cuts, so i figure he would have mentioned something too me if it was that serious. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby 2dapoint » Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:43 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Now, see, there is some information that may have been useful.  #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#A vet HAS seen him - for other things, but also seen the swelling and was unconcerned.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#So, you've got the advice and treatment plan you need.  Remember, always, we're not there and have to go with what you tell us.  Neither of us can assume anything.  I assumed, from your earlier posts, that this horse had had an accident, you hadn't yet called a vet, but were self treating by cold hosing.  Turns out, you have had a vet there - just not obviously pointed out the swelling alone and specifically.  Whole new situation.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#You must have assumed that we somehow knew all of this ...  listen to your vet.  If he'd been terribly concerned, he'd have worked on the knee or at least asked about it (I'd hope anyways!).#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#The one fallacy I'd like to point out for you is that if he's sound on it, he must be fine...#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I can direct you to a place where you can read about a horse (several actually) that had the best of care, after a while - were walking sound on their legs, and then actually died from their injuries.  But I won't unless you a) ask and b) have a particularly strong stomach.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#The important thing is that you care and you learn to never, ever assume (with horses, horse people, typing a situation, anything really)#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby shady222 » Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:01 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#sorry i totally forgot about when the vet came out to geld him that he treated him for it, but i will keep an eye on it...i know just because hes not lame doesn't mean hes ok but the swelling is going down now too...i think he just strained the joint. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby xena_n_joss » Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:02 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#if the swelling is still squishy and warm the cold hosing will help. And if hes just bumped it or whatever the selling should go down all the way. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#If there is prolonged swelling the hock may stay this large from scar tissue.... If it does you have nothing to worry about. It shouldnt affect the horse in any way. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#I would be more concerned if he was sore on it at all because he could have done more injury. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Leena » Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:27 pm

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Shady, how is your colt doing ? Is he in a colt and filly herd ? I am asking you this because I had the same thing on my colt and since we put him with another colt, they are playing pretty hard, running a lot and all the swelling disappear.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Talking to my vet she told me colts need a lot of exercices...a lot.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Leena#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby shady222 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:26 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#well he did hit a barb wire fence so i know how it was caused, the swelling seems to have gone down with daily doses of liniment put on it, i could barely notice it 2 days ago so i am hoping the stupid thing will just leave the poor colt alone, but hes not sore on it anymore so thats good. yeah hes in a paddock with my tb mare. he runs around a bit but hes fairly quiet and lazy too lol. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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Postby Leena » Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:49 am

#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Shady, a happy ending !!!#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#Leena#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
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