by Pretty_Pony72 » Wed Nov 16, 2005 3:08 pm
#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#NOoo chiropracter!!!! If they "crack" the bone things(sorry i don't know the right words) it will set you off toooo bad!! Don't go!!! Things you can try#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#-Otheopast...i think thats the spelling, and no it is not only bones, the guy i use works on my upper neck, ribs, scars everything..just can't getthose buises to go away!! He confuzed on why i still have buises from last march#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#- Egronomics...look under google and you'll see a bunch of stuff on it.. #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
Sometimes you have to trust what a horse did was right