by xena_n_joss » Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:13 am
#ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#FONT color=#bf005f#ed_cl#well this may be an odd post... But are there reasons for stomach twitches? The last couple of days my stomach has started twitching... Like really noticeable. I will be sitting there and it will start going, the same place every time, you can see it pulsating through my cloths... And the other day it did it a couple of times, and then yesterday towards the end of the day it was doing it more... And as soon as I woke up it was doing it. #ed_op#/FONT#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#FONT color=#bf005f#ed_cl##ed_op#/FONT#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#FONT color=#bf005f#ed_cl#The place it is doing it is to ther right of my belly button, like in the ad grove... Is there a reason for it? Or am I just weird? I will see if it keeps doing it today. #ed_op#/FONT#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#FONT color=#bf005f#ed_cl##ed_op#/FONT#ed_cl# #ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#FONT color=#bf005f#ed_cl#Im not really worried about it, and It will probly go away... just wondering though. #ed_op#/FONT#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
When something goes wrong in a show, it's actually the best time because you learn from it. You ask yourself 'what can I do better?' When everything goes OK, you don't ask yourself that question --- ANKY