What would you pay for a horse like this?? Or what would you expect to pay??
3 year old Bay with 4 white socks a star and snip, branded danish warmblood 16H's by heartbeat http://www.cajus.dk/?GB/Our%20stallions/Heartbeat.aspx and her dam's side http://ww.sporthorse-data.com/d?i=10572542 is A'Khan Z, Alexis Z, Royal Z II
The mare is not broke but is very easy to handle, free jumps with amazing technique, has lightening fast front and hind end, she kicks up her hind legs to avoid the jump and is very scopey and has very nice movement. I don't have any video as the camera stopped working when I was taping.
Let me know what you all think?!
I know these two photos are not the best for confirmation but I can assure you all that it is great! Also no video as the camera decided to die out on us soo nothing to view either

http://community.webshots.com/album/580 ... =community